Thursday, September 26, 2013

alas, eleventy-one miles is far too short a time to ride with suchexcellent and admirable tailwinds

tailwinds. yep. 

today was another unforgettable day on the road. left Up The Creek (a most incredible walk-in campground rightin downtown moab, and my favorite on the trek so far) and thinking we'd get an early start on the day, made a quick stop at McDonald's for breakfast rather than cooking at the campsite. 

who should we run into but the inimitable Sharon, our wonderful chauffeur 'round Arches the day before. Sharon offered to buy us breakfast and wouldn't take "no" for an answer. 

inside, it got even better (first time I've EVER said that about McDonald's). met the Davenports from North Carolina, fellow believers who offered a room and some food when we rolled through their town on the tail end of our trip. not only did the Davenports bless us with great conversation over our meal, but left us with money for the next time we ate out! 

a few more stops in moab (poison spider cycles, groceries, post office and Gearheads - 12 clif bars for 12 bucks! - as you can tell, we were not wanting to leave moab) and then we were on our way north to colorado. 

what a road! first half of Route 128 followed the Colorado's winding path through beautiful canyons and gorges. Interstate 70 brought us the tailwinds of a lifetime, and into colorful Colorado. 

we finally had to call it quits just past Grand Junction, and stealthed in a small state park just off the road. 

God provides, and we would never have made it so far without His blessing. thank you for your prayers, He hears and He answers. 

until next time,
may God hold you in the hollow of His hand

josh & mark
the lifecycle team

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