Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 52-53. 10.26-27.2013. 80 miles from Lewisville to Mebane, then 57 miles from Mebane to Raleigh.

Saturday our route took the most turns in one day that we have ever done. Literally I don't think we rode more than 2-3 miles on any given road. That's what happens when you use google maps and punch in the "bike friendly" version of your directions. Josh calculated something like 54 turns we had yesterday. We also ended up riding right through downtown Winsten-Salem, which was a fun sort of adventure. The route continued its nice trend of becoming easier as the days go on. It is basically just a nice rolling downward slant to the ocean, and has been since Boone. I would say its a great way to wrap up such a long and enduring adventure (AND FUN!!!). 

So I love Chick-Fil-A. Firstly because its chicken sandwiches are my favorite, secondly because it's a great Christian run business, and third becuase my last name is in it. My college cross-country coach pointed the third one out to me a while back (Shout out to Q!). Mark-Fil-A. haha. So we finally found one of these great restaurants to eat at for lunch. The girl at the cash-register commented on my sun-glasses tan so I said I've been working on it since San-Fancisco so I sure hope it is a good tan line. The manager heard our little conversation and said since we rode from San Fran then our meal was free.... I didn't even get to the riding for wells part yet... haha. But what a blessing, so two sandwiches each and a milkshake later we were back on the road. This was in Greensboro. 

The best Chick-Fil-A Ever!!
In Mebane we stayed with Andy and Susan Davenport. It was so sweet to see familiar faces. They were the ones we met in the McDonald's in Moab, Utah! It was awesome how we could tailor our route to go by their house. Our stay with them was so much fun as they invited their son Michael's family over (5 Kids!) for dinner. We shared lots of stories and then got a good night's sleep before church in the morning. Our church experience was very interesting and enlightening. Andy and Susan are part of a small church that meets in a chiropractor's office. What is more unique is that they do their best to worship, and have a service, as much like the early church did. They sing from the Psalms, they pray together, and listen to some great preaching from the word from Dr. Carrick. What a wonderful teacher he was. His Brittish prose was very eloquent and clear. I have not heard many people exegite a biblical passage as clearly as he did.... Okay I have never heard anyone do it as clear as he did. He preached on the parable of the weeds (or tears) in the wheat in Matthew 13. After the service we ate lunch with the church before heading out for the ride. =) =) Church meals are soooo good =)=)

The Davenports, Andy and Susan. Josh took the picture, and the sun was very bright which explains the squinting smiles =)=)

Thank you Davenports for your amazing hospitality and for treating us so well. I am so glad we got to meet again =) God bless you in every way. 

The Psalms in songs of worship!

Today's ride included just as many turns as yesterday, but was 20 sum miles shorter. What a crazy ride. These routes happen for a few reasons. First, there are so many roads to choose from because around here the land is incrdibly populated. Second, we chose to use google maps again. I'm telling you, if anyone wants a bike adventure come to NC and follow google maps for bikes, you never know what you will get. We literally were taken through the sidewalks of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, we rode through Apartment complexes, and mixed in 3-4 different bike paths along the way (that lasted like 1/2 mile each haha), and also a gravel hiking trail through a state park.  Goodness gracious. 

A highlight for me today was seeing so many bikers. I don't think we have seen anyone on a bike since Missouri, and today I saw about 55 bikers out on the roads getting some excercise. Carboro, and Chapel Hill I guess are huge bike towns. But I think they were fair-weathered bikers because they were riding on a perfectly tempertured sunday, on the flat rolling terrain of NC. I think I say this grudgingly because I couldn't get too many of them to waive or smile at me haha. We were used to seeing other tourers and then we would stop and chat with them for 5-10 minutes usually, so I was accustomed to this as general biker behavior. Most of the bikers today just kept riding without looking our way, or maybe if we were lucky we would get a nod of the head. Josh loved it, and I took it as a challenge to get some waves back =) I got a few but not many. It is serious bike country around here. They must be recording their rides on strava trying to beat their previous best times. 

After our adventuresome route through North Carolina suburbia, we made it to our host home in Raleigh; Guy, and Kay Holsclaw. Mr. Linka connected us with them through their Anglican Church. What a nice couple. They had hot showers and food ready for us right when we rode in. Their dog Aussie also is super fun and full of energy. Guy is a local cyclist himself so he helped us plan our route towards Kinston tomorrow. They have three daughters who are all grown up now and live in the Carolinas. They were originally from West Virginia, but moved into their now home in Raleigh 40 sum years ago and fixed up the house to make it quite the charming place. They have a really big wood stove that just makes the living room sparkle with charm. Thanks Guy and Kay for a wonderful wonderful night with y'all. Southern Hospitality is quite the real deal. 

Tomorrow should hold more of the same I think, a gentle ride to Kinston (about 85 miles or so) and another warm bed to stay in. Tuesday is our final day of riding. Yeesh, two more riding days and we are done. I don't know what to say. 

God bless you from wherever you may read,
Tailwinds, for almost the last time, 


  1. Goodness gracious you guys have done a lot of miles together!
    You're maybe starting to sound like Josh. Next thing you know you'll b saying
    "holy Hannah" Enjoy your last couple days and I continue to pray 4 u both
