Sunday, October 20, 2013


it is good to be in the presence of God and His people. we had the privilege of attending berea baptist church this morning, and lucky for us, it just happened to be a Sunday led by the youth. without a doubt, there's some amazingly talented musicians, singers & speakers in the berea area. 

enjoyed fellowship with the Allen family afterwards, and were treated to some delicious pizza and conversation with Dave, Kathy and their youngest, Robby. I know full well I sound like a broken record, but we have been so blessed by the Lord and the body of Christ. some may say "ah, it's just a free meal" or "that's generous of them, but how much does that really help you in the larger scope of things?" folks, a lunch like today means the world to us. not only are we seeing firsthand God's grace and His power at work in moving the Allens to provide us with food, but we are spiritually built up by their shared love for Christ. both aspects are crucial to our journey. so thank you for your prayers; He hears and He provides. 

made our way 50 miles further east this afternoon and stopped in Booneville, at the Presbyterian Church. may not sound like much to the average reader, but when we saw the pavilion behind the church (with power outlets!), shower, bathroom and a sign out front that read "welcome cyclists", it sure felt as though eastern kentucky was rolling out the red carpet for a couple of michigan yahoos, no less, just passing through on their way to the atlantic coast. 

until next time,
may the sun shine warm upon your face

josh & mark
the lifecycle team

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