Saturday, October 12, 2013

the Ozarks

straight into the Ozarks we charged! up and over the hills, each one easier than the last. believe it or not, It took until mid-missouri to think "maybe it has got easier to cycle since we started".... more likely, though, it was simply God giving an extra boost of energy for the day. 

most noticeably, the air has become much more humid & muggy the further east we ride. with trees and rivers in plenty, there's moisture all around, and we no longer have the luxury of a clothesline at night (whereas out west we could soak out clothes in the shower before dinner, line them out, and pack them away dry as could be before we even went to bed). henceforth, I shall likely revert to my original method of drying clothes - ortliebs. 

you gotta believe me when I say they are the gold standard in panniers. 100% waterproof not only means your stuff stays dry through rains, snows and fording rivers, but also throughout the day as soggy shirts, socks & shorts are strapped to the outside of each bag. even if we're chugging along at only 10-12mph, seven hours in the sun with a little wind works wonders. it's a man-powered dryer that has come in very handy during the trip. 

will be staying in our first state park in a long time tonight. I could try and describe the joy we felt at finding out they had hot showers, but alas, no words could convey such emotions. 

until next time,
may the rains fall softly on your fields

josh & mark
the lifecycle team

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