Sunday, September 15, 2013

the century

wait, there's lakes in Nevada???

began to see a pattern in the landscape as we made our way across Highway 375 and 93: valley - pass - valley - pass.  minus the wind direction, Nevada is a very predictable state to drive across. you wind your way through a mountain pass, emerging on the other side to an incredible expanse between you and the next mountain range, often seeing the next 30 miles ahead of you as the road carved a perfectly straight line through the the valley between the hills. 

a highly enjoyable coast down to the valley's bottom would follow, and after that, the slow easy climb back out of the valley and into the next winding mountain pass. 

an early start (and only one real stop in Rachel, NV which you should definitely look up if you don't know what's there) allowed us to book just over 100 miles today. even with the hot dry weather (what we expected all of Nevada to be like, not just one day of it), God provided  easy roads and energized muscles to make it to our first loaded century ride. 

we cruised to a stop right around 7pm today, and found some shelter behind a gravel pile just off the side of the road. before you get too worried about such a place to spend the night, take a look at the view we had over dinner. 

until next time,
may the rains fall softly on your fields

josh & mark
the lifecycle team


  1. Don't see many cars out there, do you? I LOVE
    the colors in the sky absolutely gorgeous

    1. yep. we've been spoiled with sunsets and sunrises
