Wednesday, October 23, 2013

the misty mountains

far over the misty mountains cold
through valleys deep
on pavement old
we must away
ere break of day
to seek our long awaited goal

the trees were turning to golden wreaths
bright fiery orange
'round riders beneath
from glen to glade
in brilliant shades
'til winds rushed in and felled each leaf

and 'round the road they swept in swirls
curled brown with age
on every hill
we peddled through
the deadened hues
some rustlin' lively some piled still

passed cars of coal on rusty rail
passed deep black mines
we forged a trail
towns large and small
we passed them all
'neath gentle rains and clouds pale

still on we rode following our call
'til setting sun 
cast shadows tall
we must away
ere break of day
to return home 'fore end of fall

until next time,
may God hold you in the hollow of His hand

josh & mark
the lifecycle team


  1. wow. Poetry. Must be riding less and contemplating more. Impressive, most impressive.

  2. ok so the last comment was Dad's, not sure why it came up as mine

  3. What I started out to say was I knew that was going to be your post just from the title.
    Is it original? Either way I like it

    1. semi-original. words are mine and the meter is Tolkeins :)

  4. PS favorite part is the last line about returning home. The closer you get, i think the more
    that i miss u and the more eagerly i await your return. Better hurry if you're going to make it before fall though. We've had 2 days with snow already

    1. saw some snowflakes on the road today :) and a beautiful snow line up on the appalachians
