Friday, October 18, 2013

easy kentucky rolling

the past week has been unlike any other leg on our trip. never before has the landscape felt so much like "home" (i.e. northern michigan) and never before has the riding been so easy. not only are the roads well-maintained, with VERY gradual grade changes, but when you're riding through a town every 10 miles or so, it's rare to feel as though you're ever in one place for too long - there's always a new farm or field or homestead just over the next hill to discover.

and the air! crisp and cool each morning til the sun peeks out from between the clouds: warm on the skin but never so strong as to make you sweat while riding. 

the road gives way to the natural rises and dips in the landscape; large oaks, maples, pines & firs throw shadows across the pavement as you ride through the dappled light, falling leaves blown about the road as you ride. 

nature creeps right up to the side of the road's shoulder, kept at bay by old wooden fence lines. one never feels as though they're cutting through the land, but simply taking the easiest and most beautiful way through the country. 

until next time,
may the road rise up to meet you

josh & mark
the lifecycle team


  1. Is that a divided bike path? or a pretty narrow road?

    1. pretty narrow road :) sometimes we've even been on a few single lanes, and whenever a combine drives by, it can become quite the squeeze to get around us

  2. Do you ever sketch any of the places you visit with drawings? Your words are so well crafted and beautiful for a guy who is known as an architect. Are you changing gears? (pun intended)

    1. aha well thanks! been mostly writing, will likely sketch a lot more when I get back. didn't bring much in the way of drawings instruments and paper.
