Wednesday, September 25, 2013



we serve a God who is alive, awesome and active in this world today. here's just a few of the times He helped us today. 

RIDING. turning south onto 191 into Arches National Park proved an even busier and more dangerous road than the interstate we had just left. a ways down, we stopped and prayed a quick prayer for added safety over us as we biked. not more than a mile down the road, a bike lane (well-paved and well-marked) began that took us straight to arches and all the way into Moab. 

(HITCH) HIKING. didn't feel like biking 18 miles uphill to see the arches, so we locked our bikes behind the visitor center at Arches and asked around for a ride into the park. met an incredible woman named Sharon, a retired nurse who was doing some sightseeing after a wedding she'd come out to Colorado to attend and before heading back to her home in Connecticut. 

not only were we blessed by her presence on all the hikes to see the arches (and a cool car with AC in between each one!), she shared the faith we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

it was such a pleasure to enjoy the Creator's handiwork with a fellow believer, and to hear of Sharon's travels (to places such as Antarctica! and she loves penguins, Eliza!) in the same light. 

EATING. God bless the Haywoods from Salt Lake City. we'd found an all-you-can-eat pizza place in Moab before stopping at our campground for the night, and I had shared just briefly about our trip and our fundraising (having asked to use the plug near their table to charge my phone, which prompted the conversation) with the lovely couple before mark and I sat down to eat. a few minutes later, the waitress came over and let us know that the Haywoods would be picking up our check that night. folks, that's the stuff you can never repay someone for, and feel so overwhelmingly blessed by. thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood. 

moab is incredible (our walk-in campsite: amazing) and we'll be sad to leave such a sweet city so soon). pray for us as we head northeast and then southeast into montrose, CO and close the Utah chapter of our journey, which has been - in a word - unforgettable. 

until next time,
may the rains fall softly on your fields

josh & mark
the lifecycle team


  1. Mark - love your journey man! Last week I watched the LWI live stream gala with tears running down my face man and was reminded of you and the work you guys are doing. You two are in my prayers... what an exciting journey. I am all caught up now from the two weeks i missed and will be following you both religiously until NC. Praying for you often!

    Matt Haller

    1. hi Matt! thanks for your prayers and the connection with @bikeamerica1 :) looking forward to the rest of our journey and watching theirs unfold

  2. Wow! What an incredible day of blessing for the two of you. I love following your journey on here, and wish I were alongside, doing the same thing. Someday! Provision and further blessings to you.

    1. thanks Alicia! what a mighty God we serve! He has done so much for us on this trip and we are loving being able to share it whenever we can
