Sunday, October 27, 2013

google bike. what the what?!?!

a quick addendum to your arsenal of waves as a cross-continental cyclist before we get started: the "non-touring-north-carolinian-sunday-afternoon-cyclist" (yes, it's rather limited in use, I know). you've got one of three options:

1) small wave
2) head nod
3) smile

at no point should you attempt more than one of these greetings at the same time. by doing so, you run the risk of appearing over-enthusiastic, and at that point, your multiple forms of salutation will almost always go unanswered. it's simply the way things are down here, I suppose. 

feel free to mix it up, of course, though be mindful of where they're at on their ride. don't expect a wave or smile from a cyclist climbing a hill, for instance. best to just give them a nod of respect and roll on. 

back to business. today started off the way all Sundays should start in the south: sweet fruit smoothies shared with fellow believers as the sun came up over the back garden. birds singing. flowers blooming. a wonderful time of worship before the Lord and with his people. food and fellowship after. 

then we followed google bike. 

I cannot even begin to fathom what the programmers were thinking who coded google's suggested cyclist routes across north carolina. 

brick sidewalks through UNC's campus.

apartment complexes. 

bike paths. 

state parks. 

5-lane highways. 

under bridges. 

over bridges. 

quite the merry hunt for Raleigh they lead us on this afternoon, though I must give credit to those crafty programmers where credit is due: we rode by Sir Galahad Road and on Camelot Road today. 

it's the little things in life. 

until next time,
may God hold you in the hollow of His hand. 

josh & mark
the lifecycle team


  1. Looked like a very fun day. Loved the illustrations to go with your narration.
    Thanking God today for SO many blessings He's showered you with and His daily protection.
    Praying that these last 2 days will b awesome

    1. they were! thank you for your prayers :):):)
