Monday, January 13, 2014

The first well report!

EVERYONE! Here is the report from LWI of the first well that was dug in December! 110 families just got new clean water! This is amazing. Unfortunately I couldn't get the pictures to work, but when Josh and I go down on Feb 22 we will get lots of pictures to post on the blog for all of our supporters. The fruit of yours, and our, efforts are reaping =) Enjoy the report. God is so good!

Community Member Interview 

The Living Water Guatemala team had an opportunity to meet with 55 year old community member and farmer, Manuel Ruiz Gonzalez, 

who stated, “Thanks for this great well. We have come to realize that our water here in the community is in very poor condition and contaminated. We have floods here every year and the water pours into our hand dug wells. However now with the well of Living Water, we will drink clean water. We would like to say thanks to everyone that was involved with this project.” 

Community Details 

There are 110 families, a local school and several churches in Trochar Community who were dependent on an unprotected hand dug well 

located over 10 kilometers outside the community to sustain their most immediate water needs. Because of this, residents were suffering 

from diarrhea and severe dehydration among other preventable water related illnesses. The community has access to a pit latrine and with 

continued and sole use of this facility coupled with access to safe drinking water a reduction in disease is expected. Most residents are of 

Protestant or Catholic faith and the local Iglisia Catolica Church will continue to share the Gospel with community families. Empowerment 

of the local church creates a sustainable evangelical presence in the community, allowing the Good News to continue being shared through 

access to safe drinking water. During the team’s stay, community members assembled a Water Committee who assisted the team with the 

water project whenever possible, supplied any materials they had available, guarded the team’s equipment and provided a meal for the team. 

How did the community contact LWI? Visited another project LWI was doing

What was the Initial Community Request? Water Well

Project Details 

Work Type New Borehole

Location of water point Trocha 7, Calle 10, Escuintla, Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala 

Type of Institution Served: Village

Region/Province Escuintla

GPS Coordinates Latitude:014 02.306 N Longitude: 091 19.876 W



Altitude 7 m 

Total depth drilled 50 m 

Static level 2 m 

Total depth of casing 50 m 

External Diameter of casing 100 mm 

Casing material PVC

Screen Start: 39m Stop: 48 m

Pump Type Afridev

Depth of cylinder 12 m 

Gravel Pack Yes

Gravel Pack Depth 24

Well yield 1588 Liters/minute

Water Quality Results

Water Purity Test LWI Test Kit

Total Dissolved Solids (as per T.D.S meter) :117

pH: 7.5

 Total Hardness: 0 Ppm

Nitrate/Nitrites: 0 Ppm

Bacteria Test Coliform Bacteria NOT detected ( Colorless or Light Yellow color)

Hygiene Promotion

 Kids and ladies (also teenagers) showed interest in the lessons. They talked about how important it is to follow steps like hand 

washing and keeping the water clean so that they can feel better and also have better health. Using the Living Water Traditional Method, the Living Well Club addressed: Germs, Hand Washing-Proper Techniques and Water Saving Methods, Diarrhea Doll-Causes of Diarrhea, Living Well Club Bible Stories, Proper Care of Pump. 


Christian Witness 

A Living Water Guatemala team member commented, “Everything went successfully. Working together, we could see God's love in the workplace and it was moving, and we shared the joy and love that God put in our hearts with others and we felt very blessed.” 

During the team’s stay, Bibles were distributed and Oral Bible Stories were shared. Considering 80% of developing countries are oral preference learners, oral disciple making methods are Living Water International’s core component of sharing the Gospel in areas of work. Living Water International provides pastoral care and discipleship of field staff, so pastors and LWI staff are better able to share 
the Gospel with spiritually thirsty communities. To make disciples of oral learners, Living Water Guatemala uses stories, proverbs, drama, songs, chants, and poetry to better engage communities. Living Water Guatemala tells Bible stories to community families and asks questions to help guide community members to interpret scripture into their own context.

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